3D and postproduction

Our clients range from companies like "DeAgostini" Varese and "Best Service" Munich to TV Broadcaster like Artè France and SKY. We give also complex workshops i.e. for Italian RAI Television's RAI Academy.

Game design & development

Serious games and ICT for cultural heritage

The advent of digital technology and new media has changed the expectations of visitors of museums and historical monuments, driving the use of new solutions and technologies to deliver content that meets their demands. Cultural heritage visits are no longer only information-based, but have now become all-reound multisensory experiences. Serious games or applied gamesa are games designed for a primary purpose other than pure enterntainment. The idea emphasizes the added pedagogical value of fun and competition. This trailer shows a serious game about Rome in the 17th century.


Traditional animation

This is an animation technique in which each frame is drawn by hand or using animation software. It is used for logo animation, for videos and advertising.